Dear Lancers,
Breaking the rules doesn't mean breaking the game—FragPunk is committed to creating a fair and healthy competitive environment.
To ensure a fair, inclusive, and competitive environment for all players, Bad Guitar Studio upholds a strict no-mercy policy against cheating. Since the launch, our Anti-Cheat team has remained on high alert, relentlessly tracking down and removing cheaters as quickly as possible.
From 3/6 - 3/9, following thorough system monitoring and manual review, we permanently banned 271 players who violated the rules:
f'x'****6ljs |
f'x'****3nor |
f'x'****98lo |
f'x'****031t |
f'x'****u1ta |
asdq****iejk |
asdq****qbh5 |
asdq****eglj |
asdq****nbr0 |
asdq****ztya |
asdq****k8hu |
asdq****d6cy |
UpLV****g0uz |
Chin****udd1 |
Son****xit |
KAI****084 |
OME****ew3 |
Gimb****ob88 |
sagw****iu4v |
Brec****p3l5 |
TTVD****gk3t |
Eter****aj0l |
sagw****5mwe |
SY#****h25 |
sagw****plpt |
f'x'****ssiz |
f'x'****k93m |
asdq****1ru9 |
f'x'****pkxj |
f'x'****kvsp |
dfhs****7u88 |
asdq****gf9d |
asdq****801c |
ARCA****j64e |
SAID****bd1g |
play****2238 |
Lage****oeam |
MF B****95uo |
Seco****rhyo |
play****8558 |
Spik****h3h6 |
NvaM****nb0h |
King****4wvl |
camo****u0mn |
fung****zxql |
Noeb****javp |
play****4366 |
raj****wph |
MRIM****yqzn |
Wenn****eamt |
FuF****88w |
donk****9s4h |
帝釋天****ywb |
抖音黑猫****lvh8 |
大腸科主****v72x |
****eds |
POOO****834l |
FAT****mw8 |
Jim ****13rp |
MASH****h5m6 |
DigM****u6oy |
dau****fvr |
血腥o****8a4 |
Mapu****b35b |
Bows****uhwv |
Pois****uj7v |
Deta****cm4r |
chai****zepz |
coun****tdq8 |
Noxi****3aii |
IAMH****askj |
Moon****991z |
dfad****eu83 |
菜就多****hui |
Requ****0co1 |
myth****gwp7 |
Alca****81r8 |
Vere****jmft |
Xiao****lkw9 |
MrFi****zuhh |
Hawk****a5lk |
MAGA****wq2o |
Twit****arci |
MrLa****ddlf |
Kil****uuo |
Only****qvli |
kris****i59m |
JlbI****plyn |
Purg****m1ol |
TheF****hsrj |
Jay****1ov |
VFXN****78bq |
kylo****eb0b |
抹茶红豆****8dlg |
Phan****49er |
.gg/****xqnz |
那一夜丈****2krk |
senz****92yj |
Bllu****m0v7 |
timm****7w24 |
jame****he1n |
淡淡超****46q |
天帝#****j22 |
mapu****6gmp |
Tops****2j4v |
coun****eoq2 |
MEMA****k3ix |
MEMO****fk2i |
douy****bfk3 |
mrab****1fs7 |
donk****x1lm |
Mr.p****f46f |
Kaka****0m0h |
TTV|****jhsr |
OLAM****ng0u |
Mooo****n4g4 |
Demo****zrck |
孤兒#****za3 |
Nul****ji4 |
ManM****iuer |
DUBA****ixlx |
Khz****afy |
Sebo****rycu |
Good****mq9x |
inje****74sx |
FROS****ob24 |
cris****iw3f |
ABU ****3xs4 |
play****6381 |
Vere****dcal |
آہ#****7b6 |
koij****j961 |
vo#****q34 |
delu****bof6 |
Gell****y9xt |
Itz_****zak3 |
Fake****xm7f |
GRAZ****3ys2 |
sick****3s2c |
Sick****2men |
Loud****bkqj |
Inte****yfnm |
Watc****d71k |
溫吉爾****6cy |
Funk****5tu2 |
Path****g00h |
Reta****blne |
Unu****de2 |
Fear****t1ha |
SY#****yhy |
asfd****kkhk |
play****8205 |
Devi****vsw3 |
shun****tboj |
play****1340 |
xt_t****xrcr |
play****0559 |
Pato****4qzf |
EZA****sgr |
Vala****760d |
drag****igct |
Nes****82c |
giam****qwq7 |
Arn****hew |
Pota****cwua |
ZelD****gnxm |
우주최****gyv |
Blac****mxa2 |
Unde****nzda |
Punk****zovj |
قات****u6z |
Dyub****si66 |
Sick****uo6g |
Prog****yquj |
那一夜她****195v |
Miwu****egdw |
제니#****ws5 |
Wen****xl3 |
asdz****v20u |
GEMP****4n8h |
SY#****qoj |
LLg****8tv |
CRY ****574l |
Demo****ni2a |
donk****ja1p |
play****3818 |
Vys****lr3 |
EfeK****sudv |
InGa****zgwh |
Ramo****x0ai |
CRY ****w9mb |
Xecu****iuuw |
WiZO****jy4n |
vand****sq12 |
SY#****4qi |
Gemp****yq67 |
한반도피****90xz |
idk****lue |
ABD****lja |
Sell****77yb |
Laro****5fay |
芙寧娜我****9erf |
那一夜她****hs7n |
我不是玩****sx8k |
Koha****60pa |
文琪电竞****k5ay |
play****9882 |
DouY****ryo5 |
play****3915 |
GS23****j4j3 |
TOLU****wsrg |
DODP****wr2v |
Ten****5zd |
KBW****osp |
cav****7xg |
entr****83n9 |
Toma****kxhn |
lol****4j4 |
避税多就****24gj |
乄Nir****3nsm |
IQda****nc2u |
LLF2****1ut3 |
ねこま****su6 |
ZINK****0tkd |
Sou****4z6 |
LowG****blkb |
Ya T****821w |
Dark****jau4 |
stab****a2u8 |
Sta****bqx |
Axxx****jfw3 |
Sin****gv0 |
性感荷官****wclr |
坐忘道****ecb |
Ruka****eng3 |
قاتل****bt2o |
Nann****76ou |
Mir****on6 |
Caz****jk4 |
kero****lmqz |
Popo****q957 |
USER****rkgq |
BBCM****nkgq |
kata****emlu |
play****6271 |
alib****h8jg |
``1****68e |
Kyuu****gfhf |
Dark****bkc8 |
Zeld****fw15 |
DAVE****g4am |
Rett****w57m |
Odel****i0xy |
catg****49ms |
Rasp****36d5 |
vroo****fgja |
vroo****zg30 |
play****4075 |
coun****1yb5 |
Dont****nwjz |
vroo****ragg |
theb****zoyz |
Gets****pl3n |
Craz****fx5f |
play****6842 |
Craz****39h4 |
네온 스****xqo2 |
play****0026 |
Ponz****030z |
风梳烟****414 |
Mete****ygjy |
These violations include the use of cheat software and other forms of unfair play. All bans are backed by conclusive evidence and strictly enforced under the User Agreement.
We expect all players to uphold competitive integrity and refrain from conducting any actions that may violate the rules. A fair gaming environment relies on the cooperation of every player, we can maintain a game environment where skill—not exploits—determines victory.
Our Anti-cheat team is dedicated to maintaining competitive integrity, and we remain committed to staying ahead of those who attempt to ruin the gaming environment.
We strongly encourage all players to report any information about cheat developers or deliverers to
Thank you for standing with us in defending fair play!