FragPunk: 5v5 Rule-Breaking Hero Shooter

FragPunk: 5v5 Rule-Breaking Hero Shooter

Closed Beta Test Coming Soon: more content, more regions, and more platforms! 2024.08.22

We're excited to announce the FragPunk Closed Beta Test is coming to PC & Xbox early October. You don't have to wait to register to get a chance to play when October rolls around though.

Head over to Steam and register right on the spot or sign up for the Xbox insider program to get a chance to participate. You can scroll down this article to find all the links you need to get started!

What's more, players who participated to the Alpha test will get a guaranteed access to the Beta, so sit back and relax while we get a fresh dose of FragPunk ready for you!

More content you say? You bet!

That's right, get ready for more of everything! On top of a bunch of improvements between Alpha and Beta, you can expect some surprises with heroes, shard cards, maps and so much more! If you want to learn more about what's coming, follow us on social media and keep an eye on our channels where we'll be revealing what's coming!

Our journey from Alpha to Beta

Following the closed alpha, our dev team have been hard at work implementing a lot of player feedback and suggestions. We deeply appreciate everyone who played the game and gave their thoughts as they help us move along the trail towards launch!

Xbox joins the fray

One such feedback was about the Xbox platform and on cross platform play. We're excited to bring the closed beta to the Xbox Series X|S for the closed beta and can't wait for Xbox players to jump into the fray.

More Regions, more friends!

What's more, we were overjoyed to see many players express their interest in FragPunk from all over the world during the Closed Alpha test. That is why we are expanding the Closed Beta test coverage as well as supported languages to bring the game to even more players!

The Closed Beta Test will be available for players in North America, Latin America, Europe, Korea and Japan and will support the following languages: English, Portuguese(Brazil), Spanish, German, French, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin(simplified and traditional).

How to join?

- On Steam

Visit the FragPunk Steam store page( and click "Request Access" under "Join FragPunk Playtest" to sign up.

- On Xbox

Apply through the Xbox insider program, We will give access when the test begins, and selected players will be notified immediately.

To get started on Xbox insider:

1.    Install the Xbox Insider Hub in Store.

2.    Click "Join" to join the Xbox Insider Program.

3.    Find FragPunk on Preivews tab

4.    Click "Join"

- Special Access

No matter how good you are, you cannot fight against a whole team alone. You need teammates! Therefore, we will also have other community events and in-game activities to help you get activation codes for your friends! Please subscribe our official channels for further updates.


Can't wait to see you all in October and in the meantime, remember to give us a follow if you don't want to miss the latest info about FragPunk!